96.08.05 **4位 *31回 *,637,880 Body & Soul
96.11.18 **2位 *25回 1,278,660 STEADY
97.03.26 **1位 *12回 *,664,940 Go!Go!Heaven
97.08.06 **2位 *16回 *,671,280 Wake Me Up!
97.10.15 **1位 *27回 1,844,790 White Love
98.02.18 **1位 *13回 1,474,700 my graduation
98.07.01 **1位 *16回 *,965,000 ALIVE
98.10.28 **1位 *14回 1,221,090 ALL MY TRUE LOVE
99.02.17 **2位 *13回 *,622,580 Precious Time
99.05.19 **2位 *10回 *,582,040 Breakin'out to the morning
99.11.03 **2位 *12回 *,613,360 Long Way Home
01.12.12 **5位 **5回 *,136,310 One More Dream
03.08.27 **2位 *11回 *,126,147 Be My Love
03.11.27 *13位 **7回 *,*29,378 Walking in the rain/Stars to shine again
Singles Trajectories in Top 20
Body & Soul
96.08.19 *18 *32,710 *,*32,710
96.08.26 *12 *45,240 *,*77,950
96.09.02 **7 *65,090 *,143,040
96.09.09 **5 *68,820 *,211,860
96.09.16 **4 *60,500 *,272,360
96.09.23 **6 *58,220 *,330,580
96.09.30 **8 *52,050 *,382,630
96.10.07 *11 *37,300 *,419,930
96.10.14 *17 *26,010 *,445,940
96.10.21 *20 *19,290 *,465,230
96.10.28 *20 *17,830 *,483,060
96.12.02 **2 256,850 *,256,850
96.12.09 **7 *90,610 *,347,460
96.12.16 **5 *94,700 *,442,160
96.12.23 **3 111,060 *,553,220
96.12.30 **3 104,020 *,657,240
97.01.13 **2 170,020 *,827,260
97.01.20 **3 *78,980 *,906,240
97.01.27 **5 *78,930 *,985,170
97.02.03 **8 *66,320 1,051,490
97.02.10 *11 *50,090 1,101,580
97.02.17 *13 *43,550 1,145,130
97.02.24 *20 *33,640 1,178,770
97.04.07 **1 275,350 *,275,350
97.04.14 **2 103,400 *,378,750
97.04.21 **2 *87,330 *,466,080
97.04.28 **7 *58,800 *,524,880
97.05.05 *17 *38,420 *,563,300
97.05.12 *15 *40,360 *,603,660
97.05.19 *19 *25,750 *,629,410
Wake Me Up!
97.08.18 **2 278,530 *,278,530
97.08.25 **3 121,600 *,400,130
97.09.01 **6 *67,960 *,468,090
97.09.08 **6 *58,330 *,526,420
97.09.15 *11 *37,430 *,563,850
97.09.22 *14 *24,690 *,588,540
White Love
97.10.27 **1 481,580 *,481,580
97.11.03 **2 198,860 *,680,440
97.11.10 **1 203,640 *,884,080
97.11.17 **2 170,000 1,054,080
97.11.24 **3 110,440 1,164,520
97.12.01 **4 101,860 1,266,380
97.12.08 **6 *88,300 1,354,680
97.12.15 **7 *51,700 1,406,380
97.12.22 *11 *42,520 1,448,900
97.12.29 **8 *47,540 1,496,440
98.01.12 **5 122,280 1,618,720
98.01.19 **4 *55,550 1,674,270
98.01.26 *10 *41,160 1,715,430
98.02.02 *12 *33,120 1,748,550
my graduation
98.03.02 **1 561,870 *,561,870
98.03.09 **1 227,260 *,789,130
98.03.16 **1 179,480 *,968,610
98.03.23 **2 174,200 1,142,810
98.03.30 **2 120,120 1,262,930
98.04.06 **3 *71,610 1,334,540
98.04.13 **7 *48,500 1,383,040
98.04.20 *10 *28,580 1,411,620
98.04.27 *17 *19,710 1,431,330
98.07.13 **1 365,900 *,365,900
98.07.20 **5 153,290 *,519,190
98.07.27 **5 148,220 *,667,410
98.08.03 **3 *65,290 *,732,700
98.08.10 **7 *54,740 *,787,440
98.08.17 **7 *46,350 *,833,790
98.08.24 **9 *43,530 *,877,320
98.08.31 *14 *24,680 *,902,000
98.11.09 **1 600,880 *,600,880
98.11.16 **1 171,560 *,772,440
98.11.23 **2 157,190 *,929,630
98.11.30 **3 *83,180 1,012,810
98.12.07 **4 *60,620 1,073,430
98.12.14 **7 *42,780 1,116,210
98.12.21 *11 *27,520 1,143,730
98.12.28 *18 *21,050 1,164,780
Precious Time
99.03.01 **2 353,400 *,353,400
99.03.08 **5 *84,520 *,437,920
99.03.15 *10 *52,650 *,490,570
99.03.22 *14 *33,080 *,523,650
99.03.29 *16 *24,460 *,548,110
99.04.05 *19 *24,440 *,572,550
Breakin' out to the morning
99.05.31 **2 351,650 *,351,650
99.06.07 **3 *96,850 *,448,500
99.06.14 **7 *50,450 *,498,950
99.06.21 *11 *31,270 *,530,220
99.06.28 *18 *18,690 *,548,910
Long Way Home
99.11.15 **2 366,210 *,366,210
99.11.22 **5 *71,530 *,437,740
99.11.29 **6 *42,790 *,480,530
99.12.06 *13 *42,310 *,522,840
99.12.13 *18 *22,990 *,545,830
One More Dream
01.12.24 **5 94,010 *,*94,010
01.12.31 *13 22,620 *,116,630
Be My Love
03.09.08 **2 70,283 *,*70,283
03.09.15 **5 22,898 *,*93,181
03.09.22 *12 14,009 *,107,190
03.09.29 *13 *7,873 *,115,063
Walking in the rain/Stars to shine again
03.12.08 *13 16,783 *,*16,783
Note: Trajectories for singles and albums were made for me ^^ and rest of info were taken from 2ch
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